Agents of Glory

Love is never stagnant, it is always moving, like a river flowing to the low places. The world was created as an expression of love because that’s what love does. It reaches out, it brings in, it looks for ways to express itself. 

Many people long for the kind of love that transforms nations but have trouble with the kind of love that reaches out to a difficult relative or neighbor. They want the Father’s love for ministry purposes but do not pursue it for family or community purposes. All of it is available, but it does not work well just to go for helpings of certain kinds of love like they are items on a buffet. If you want to go for it, then it is very important to go for it ALL!

Our Papa’s love is extraordinarily powerful. It releases the power of Heaven on earth. It is relentless, tenacious, and unquenchable. It will not be denied. It brings the justice of Heaven to every injustice on earth, the kindness of Heaven to every offense, the restoration of Heaven to every area of brokenness, wounding, and loss.

This is where we are now–in the middle of the story of God covering the earth with His glory, which is characterized by His love. We participate in this mission because the only way knowledge of the glory/love of God will cover the earth as waters cover the sea (see Habakkuk 2:14) is through the people who carry God’s love and glory in them, just as Jesus prayed in John 17:22-23). “The glory which You gave Me I have given them, that the may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.”

In your mission as an ambassador of love, you will find yourself walking among the remnants of brokenness. It will be important for you to walk through them without fear, or at least without letting fear overcome you. You will need to replace your fear with love and hope. The heavenly environment within you will need to be stronger than the earthly environment around you. Your love will need to be greater than your fear–or your discouragement or your concerns or your questions.

Ambassadors of love can thrive in the midst of fear and chaos because we bring good news. Darkness actually presents an opportunity for light. We speak the language of love and honor the way Jesus honors. We bring the love of the perfect family into broken relationships and cultures. We bring the environment of Heaven into places that look and feel like hell.

This is what the world needs from us–supernatural love carried by fearless hearts willing to serve as ambassadors of Heaven’s perfect love wherever we go on earth.

Have you experienced the same love from the Father that Jesus experienced from the Father? This is the power that begins the agape reformation that will cover the earth with the Father’s glory.

My new book, The Love Awakening, will be released on April 19th. Sign up today to receive a sneak peek of the first three chapters and other bonuses, click here >>>


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