Fear Not

The power of the truth of God is unmatched. Take that truth and put it into song form and before you know it, you’ve been hijacked by the love of God. Isn’t He wonderful?

I was sitting in the office one day when the song “No Longer Slaves” started to play and the Holy Spirit stopped me to call truth into remembrance. This song so beautifully depicts this reality: “For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15)

Because of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross, we do not have to ever be unsure of our status with God! Our confidence is established through faith in Jesus. We do not have to fear judgment. We are free to live in the freedom that was purchased. 

According to scripture, we are children of God, born not of the will of man, nor the desire of the flesh, but of God; of HIS desire. (John 1:12,13)  We are born again into the family of love. Into a new covenant.

This is good news! This will make you want to dance. We are not subject to sin. We are not fatherless and left on our own through this journey of life. We have no fear in the commitment of this relationship because we didn’t keep up our end of the bargain, but Jesus Himself has fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law. 

Not only this, we are not strangers to God! We have the intimacy of family; Sonship through adoption, not slaves to the fear of separation of God. We are joined with the one who loves us now and always.

Beloved, if you have any fear in your life, any lack, look to Jesus. Remember that you are in Him. You are a son. You are a daughter. Say it outloud and remind your soul. We cannot afford to forget this in these times. The truth of who and whose we are must remain at the forefront of our minds.

 It’s His truth that reminds us that we have nothing and no one to fear. 

We belong to Jesus and we shall not lack any good thing.

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