Reigning from Identity!

We are living in a season when the gospel, the good news of the kingdom, will be preached as a witness and testimony to all nations. The knowledge of the glory of God is going to cover the earth as the water covers the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). The kingdoms of this world are going to become the kingdom of the Lordthrough those who know who they are, whose they are, and what they have in Him. Everything God has is made available to you in order for you to fulfill your destiny. 

I know many believers who are running after their inheritance and destiny before entering into the rest of their identity and intimacy with God. They are striving to achieve rather than realizing what they have received. Most of the world believes they have to do something in order to have something so they can be something. That is not how we were originally designed.

In God’s design, we are something, so we have everything, and then can do anything. To be specific, we are in a covenant relationship with the Father because we are sons and daughters, and with that inheritance, we fulfill our assignment, our destiny. Being, then having, then doing. You will find that your natural tendency as a result of the fall is to do in order to have, and to have in order to be. That is why most people in the world are trying to find their identity in what they do and what they have and are always falling short. They never get to the place of true identity. They don’t know how to be sons and daughters of the Father. They invert the order by doing, then having, then being. 

It all begins with identity—seeing ourselves as God sees us, thinking and feeling about ourselves as He does, and loving ourselves as He does because we can never love Him or others until we’ve experienced His love ourselves. Then we grow in intimacy with Him. We become what we behold, and whatever we become we are then able to release. The world’s system of doing something in order to become something doesn’t work. Our minds have a hard time grasping the truth—that we are and then we do. That’s one of the primary reasons we have to step out of conformity with this world and let our minds be renewed (Romans 12:1-2). It’s the only way to recognize who we are and whose we are. 

I know I am a beloved son. My Papa loves me, adores me, and delights in me. I’m His happy thought. He is for me and not against me. This is the starting point, the beginning. Knowing this enables me to experience the presence of Father in His home and live in a place of peace—shalom. We have communion there. We are together, united in a covenant of love and intimacy. I gaze at His face, and then when I look in the mirror I see myself totally differently. I hear His voice from a place of love. In the resting place, as I commune with a God who loves the world, I begin to love the way He loves, and then I can reign with Him as He reigns. Fear is gone because perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). Love begins to motivate me to do what I see the Father doing. Only from identity and intimacy do I begin to realize the inheritance I have. 

There is abundance in the Father’s house, more than enough in the family account to have everything I need to do what I have been called to do. Jesus paid for everything on the cross. He inherits everything, and I am a co-heir with Him. His inheritance is my inheritance. With this knowledge, I can begin to grasp my destiny. Yes, the world is dark, but in the middle of the darkness I am going to rise and shine with the glory that is rising upon me, just as Isaiah 60 says, God is raising up culture changers in this generation who will tip the balance in the current war on worldview. Light is penetrating darkness because we are getting new glasses that change the way we think. Our minds are being renewed. From the resting place—knowing our identity, intimacy, inheritance, and destiny—we reign with Him and begin to change the world.

On the way to your destiny you will acquire Kingdom skills that will change you and in turn change the world around you. You will learn what it means to enter the hard work of rest, to see the way God sees, to hear His voice, love the way He loves. With a renewed mind, in this place of intimacy, love replaces fear and problems become promises as you reign with Him as He reigns. Want to read more about this topic? Purchase Called To Reign by clicking here.

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