The Agape Reformation

The first reformation restored grace, and the second power. This new reformation will restore love. 

A new reformation is coming. The church is in a time of transition. We are no longer who we used to be, but we have not yet become who we are supposed to become. That is true for us as a body and as individuals, and many are feeling the tension. No one is surprised that Chair 3 is being shaked, but Chair 2 is being shaken also. The kingdom in Chair 1 is unshakeable, however, and Jesus is unchanging. Our mission is like playing a game where we already know the final score. We can be perfectly content because we see the end. I can go into the darkest places of the world and be at peace because I know what is happening. It’s like inside trading, but in the kingdom, it’s legal. We have a new way of fishing—not making an intellectual argument but helping people have an encounter with Jesus and experience His love. That’s the focus of our worldwide mission in the third reformation. 

The core value in this next reformation is not the gifts of the individual. In the previous reformation, people came to the family table to eat whatever the anointed ones brought to it. Those with the strongest gifts were the focus. Now leaders are adding value to others by investing in their gifts.  They are realizing that anyone can do these things. They are creating a ceiling for others to use as their floor. The generations will unite just as the Lord said they would. The Old Testament ends with a promise of the spirit of Elijah, which will restore the hearts of fathers toward their children and children toward their fathers.

Restored love will stop the curse in the land. Love will take ‘self’ out of the worldwide orphanage and put family in its place.  Jesus prayed that the perfect love the Father has for the Son would be in each one of us (John 17:26). Then we will love ourselves the way He loves us, which will enable us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. When that is coupled with the power of the second reformation, we will see a love that changes everything. That has been the missing piece. 

Bringing the best of each reformation into your assignment and adding the love of the Father to the power and the Word are what it takes to be a culture changer. 

Most Christians throughout history have understood that love is a vital part of the Gospel. This is very plain in Scripture. But I cannot think of any generation of Christians for the last two thousand years that has lived out this message of love the way God has intended. Rarely have believers made it their priority to bring the love of Heaven down to earth so people can experience the environment of the perfect family from before time. We have not made our world feel like the Father’s living room. Now is the time. In fact, I believe this is one reason that we are seeing so much hatred and polarization in our world right now.  The enemy is sowing opposite seeds in the world, like he has done even from the beginning. He senses that this message is about to be revealed. He wants to divide because love will bring unity. The tsunami waves of love are coming soon! 

We are seeing signs of this love reformation in many places around the world, even if they are not very visible to many people yet. Papa God is inviting His people to encounter His love, live from a whole heart, and walk in the power that supernatural love brings. 

This will mean pursuing His love, asking for and preparing for encounters, and stewarding the seeds of love faithfully. But when Papa God’s children are immersed in His love and allow it to touch and heal the deepest areas of their lives, the seeds of reformation have been planted. I could tell you many examples of this. Agape love has always worked powerfully in the world.

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