Is Jesus Coming Soon?

March 23, 2023

Two thousand years after Christ walked the earth and spoke of the ‘end’, Christians all over the world are asking this question. And, what does soon mean? One thing I have discovered through my study of the scripture is, we are looking at the clock while Jesus is looking at the harvest.

Some people are trying to figure out how to get out of existence on Earth rather than trying to get heaven to earth; our view of the end times impacts how we are approaching our lives! It’s important to understand the times so that we can live and love without limits.

While some have been trained to fear the return of the Lord, according to the scripture, we can rejoice in the truth that we will reign with Him in the new heavens and Earth. We have been redeemed to be with God forever in love. We have confidence before God because of the power of the Cross and we get to bring others into that reality. 

We have had the privilege of living as a part of the bridal generation to await the coming of the Lord. From every tongue tribe and tongue, Jesus will redeem His beautiful bride. All suffering and violence will cease and we will be with Him forever. This is the good news we get to present this to the world. May we become possessed by the message of His kingdom where He’s the center. We pray that you hear the heart of the Father In this podcast as Leif discusses the signs of Jesus’ coming and the end of the age. 

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