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Upgrade in Love (eBook)



Developing a lifestyle of receiving,
becoming and releasing God’s love.

I’ve traveled all over the world trying to serve God, so He would be proud of me as His son. I didn’t understand that I already was His beloved son. When I discovered that He was already pleased with me, not because of what I was doing, but because of who I am in Jesus—I was forever changed. I had been striving for affirmation and approval without realizing that God already affirmed me and approved of me in Jesus because of His love. I no longer needed to strive for His affection or love—I could just receive it. This revelation allowed me to see in new ways and live a new life.

This is a book about receiving an upgrade in love and becoming an ambassador of love. Many believers know about the Father’s love without experiencing His love for themselves. The world is waiting for a revelation of the sons and daughters of God who know His love. They need ambassadors of His kingdom to present His nature to them. Will you manifest His love to them? This is your invitation.

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