Revival in Pakistan Featuring Dr. Marqus Fida!

September 1, 2021

“We experience many challenges, persecution and threats, but we still have the joy of the Holy Ghost. The light and power of Jesus is spreading and the kingdom of love is abounding throughout Pakistan.” shares Dr. Marqus Fida, Chairman of GMA-Pakistan in this episode of Kingdom Family Talks.

Around 212,669,000 people live in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Every year, GMA-Pakistan graduates around 250 pastors from their seminary that offers courses to complete certificates as well as the doctorate of divinity and theology. The church is sending missionaries to the darkest places on earth to share the good news of Jesus Christ. The Christian music college is developing worship leaders, musicians and music teachers in excellence to share their gifts in love and the message of Jesus to many longing hearts.

The testimonies of lives changed, hearts impacted, and a country being transformed by love mark this ministry. Marqus is an inspiration for us all to anchor ourselves to Jesus Christ and experience the fullness of joy that is found in His presence.

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