Contagious Love

Paul and Ahlmira (my spiritual son and daughter) have seen world-changing love in their ministry and their family of believers. One woman named Mira, who was a part of their church in the Philippines in her college days, returned years later with her husband and a high school-aged daughter. Ahlmira told her, “You are home,” and it hit Mira like a rhema word from God for the moment. She embraced the family atmosphere.

Then she extended the family atmosphere to many others, especially the women she was discipling in her ministry group. She made it feel like Papa God’s living room. The group grew in love and started noticing anyone God would highlight to them.

Mira traveled more than an hour to visit the mother of one of her group’s members, and the mother was so touched and felt so valued that she invited them to start a gathering in her town to help kids in the area.

Every month they would gather, first with a few children, then with twenty or thirty, with many of them bringing their mothers with them. Mira’s group would teach Bible lessons, provide some food, and pray for the sick. People were healed. Love overflowed with acts of kindness and generosity, and power flowed with it.

When one of Mira’s group member’s sisters was jailed for drug use, the group began visiting her and bringing her food. This gathering grew too, and many other inmates got to hear testimonies and Bible teachings. The warden eventually asked Mira to formalize their work as a recognized jail ministry and help conduct some programs for inmates. Some inmates who have since been released have joined Bible study groups and spread love to their communities.

What Mira received, she gave. And what others received from her, they gave. And the waves of love continue, transforming lives, families, neighborhoods, communities, and even distant places.

Do It Again

God has given me a holy ambition to see the light of Love shining in the darkest nations. This testimony is a perfect example of what is happening right now in Cuba and what God wants to do all around the world. The love of Jesus is spreading throughout homes, and Jesus is being glorified. These Lighthouses of Love are beacons of light rising in their communities to care for whoever comes to the family table. Love is moving out in order to draw people in so that they can taste Heaven on Earth. 

At Global Mission Awareness, we are supporting these Lighthouses to see the Father receive many sons and daughters returning home. We have a goal to establish 1,000 Lighthouses of Love across Cuba, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Would you join us in investing in love, the one thing that changes everything? We have been invited by the Father to ensure that people get to experience a God that looks like Jesus, and we have said “YES!”

Please pray and consider partnering with the GMA Lighthouses of Love Movement. You can donate by clicking here

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